Monday, April 30, 2007

Knit one, purl two

I came up with this new necklace design the other day as I thought it might be quite nice as a mother's day gift for a knitting goddess.

I haven't added it to my website yet, but did mention it in the WAHM advertising area on a forum I frequent called The Nappy Network (yes in New Zealand we call a diaper a nappy), because there are a lot of happy knitters over at TNN.

I've been suprised by how popular it has been. Both with the K1, P2 circles and with custom initials too. I've had to order in more supplies. The fresh water pearls are giving me a headache though. The holes in them are so irregular, that I am thinking about swapping over to using Swarvoski pearls (cultured).

As far as sewing projects are coming along, I haven't sewn up the hemp trousers yet. They are cut, I just need to transfer the pattern markings and then feed them to my sewing machine. Life has just been a bit hectic this weekend.

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